Best Wordpress Plugins To Improve Your Sidebar Part-1

Best Wordpress Plugins

You should choose the ones you think that fits your needs and try to avoid the situation described

1. Subscription Options

Is a simple yet very useful plugin for beginner bloggers. This plugin will allow you to add the classical icons for subscription: twitter, rss feed and email of course effortless.

2. Alexa Ranking Plugin

The earnings from your website are pretty important, the most effective way of getting high profits from your website is of course by selling ad space. In order for advertisers to buy ad space, they need to see what’s your alexa rank and if they like it, they will buy ad space from your blog.

3. Twitter Blender

Is a wordpress plugin that displays twitter updates in a simple widget box in your sidebar. The Twitter blender also has an updates archive.

4.Wordpress Newsletter Widget

Wordpress double option widget bulk email plugin for newsletter subscription will allow users to subscribe to your newsletter and also you will be able to manage the subscriptions.

5. Recent Comments by Entry

As I believe you figured out, the Recent Comments by Entry plugin will display the latest comments and also the entry where they were posted.

6. Post videos and photo galleries

Helps you to easily maintain your media works and place them into your blog sidebar.

7. WP Carousel

WP Carousel is a plugin that create a carousel with a category’s posts, and you can put it anywhere on the sidebar or blog.

8.Ad Code Widget Plugin

This plugin helps you to easily maintain the ads you display in your sidebar and in your blog. It was created by Primo Themes and it supports any image format and also any size and also you can add HTML/JavaScript/IFrame/etc codes.

9. Login With Ajax

This is a pretty cool widget plugin that allows your blog members to login. Using the ajax technologies, “Login with Ajax” will improve the aspect of your login page and also will impress all of your members.

10. Visitors Map and Who’s Online Widget

This will display a cool who’s online widget and also you will be able to see where the user comes from by using this great geographical positioning system.

11. Twitter Bubble

Will display your twitter updates in a simple widget who has the shape and the design of a twitter page included in a cool twitter bubble.

12. Post Google Map

If the blog you own is a business one and you have to show people where they can find you, Google Map is always the best solution. Post Google Map will help you to do that effortless.

13. Simple Flickr Photos

Nowadays everyone has a Flickr account and everyone wants to share their photos with friends and why not will all internet users. Simple Flikr Photos allows you to add a Flickr widget with your latest added photos.

14. PayPal Donations Plugin

This is definitely a must have plugin for developers and people who are offering services for free. Paypal was always the best friend of this kind of people and it helps them everyday.

15. Collapsing Archive

Being able to collapse your archive will save you some useful space in your sidebar. Collapsing archive is the plugin you want for this, and it is based on javascript.

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