ClamWin Antivirus that enables users to install fully functional and update -able antivirus software on their flash drives, external hard disks, ipods e.t.c.
It is free. It contains no spyware. There are no advertisements. It isn't a limited or trial version. There is no additional hardware or software to buy. You don't even have to give out your email address. It's 100% free to use, free to copy and free to share.
Download Here
Install Antivirus On Flash Drive, To start up ClamWin Portable, just double-click PortableClamWin.exe file where you installed Portable ClamWin on your portable drive. Then, use it just like you would a local copy of ClamWin. There are a couple of things to keep in mind:
- Stay Safe - When using portable apps, it's always a good idea to practice Safe Portable App-ing.
- Removing Your Drive - When you're done, exit ClamWin and then wait for the activity light on your removable drive to stop flashing. Then select the 'Safely remove [device]' option from the icon in the system tray. If you remove the drive while it is writing, you may lose data.
To install ClamWin Portable, just download the portable package at the top of the ClamWin Portable page and then double-click it. Select the location you wish to install to and click OK. A PortableClamWin directory will be created there and all the necessary files installed. That's all there is to it.