How Google Calculate The Web Page Rank - Google Ranking Formula


These ranking systems are made up of a series of algorithms that analyze what we are looking for and what information to return to us. 

Formula :

Google Ranking Formula = {(1-d)+a (RS)} * {(1-e)+b (PR * fb)} * {(1-f)+c (LS)}


RS = RelevanceScore: (Score based on keywords appearing in Title, Meta tags, Headlines, Body text, URL,
         Alt text, Title attribute, anchor text etc. of your site)

PR = PageRank: (Score based on number and PR value of pages linking to your site. Original formula is
          PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (t1)/C (t1) + a+ PR (tn)/C (tn)), where PR of page link is the sum of the PR
          of  each page linking to it divided by the number of outgoing links on each of those pages. C is a
          dampening factor  believed to be equal to 0.15)

LS = LocalScore: (Score computed from expert documents. Has variables and different values for search term
         appearing in title (16), headline (6), anchor text (1), search term density etc. Figures in parenthesis are the
         original values, which may have been changed by Google)

a, b, c = Tweak Weight Controls: (available to Google for fine-tuning the results)

d, e, f = Dampener Controls: (available to Google for fine-tuning the results. We believe that the value of a is
              currently set at zero.)

fb = FactorBase: (The PageRank scale of 1 to 10 on Google bar is not linier but an exponential/logarithmic
       one. As per our internal analysis, we believe that it is a base close to 8. This means that PR5 is 8 times
        more in   value than PR4. As such, a PR8 website has a value 4000 times more than a PR4 website. This
       factor somehow needs to be built into the algo formula. We have therefore taken a fb value to
       accommodate this  factor)

How To Increase Your Website Page Rank

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