WhatsApp has now come up with an awesome new feature which will let users pin the three most important chat at the top of the screen. Well, right now the feature is only seen in the beta version of the app.
Well, let me explain the feature. This feature works much similar to that of the pin the post feature in Facebook and twitter. So, with the latest addition, users can avoid the burden of scrolling down the long chat list for the users. How to add chat pin feature on WhatsApp
Tap and hold on any chart and you get a new pin icon in the action bar next to the delete, mute, and archive functions, Once pinned, a conversation stays on top of the list.But users can only pin 3 chats on the top of their screen. If anyone tries to pin the fourth contact, he/she will receive a notification that will state that they can pin only three chats.
The new feature is only available on WhatsApp beta 2.17.162 or 163 version. It will be rolled out officially very soon. Users just need to long press on the chat and they will get the option to “Pin” the chat.
How to add chat pin feature on WhatsApp |
So, what do you think about this new feature? Share with your friends and leave comments in comment box below. How to add chat pin feature on WhatsApp