With summer well on the way in the northern hemisphere it’s time to dig out the gardening gloves gathering dust in the tool shed. However, huge vegetable garden means not only fresh salads but also backache and sore knees. Working in a garden is hardly relaxing, but a stunning vegetable patch can become a gardener’s pride. If you are in need of a few fresh ideas for your perfect country house looking garden, here are a fifteen designs, decorations, and an irrigation trick or two you might want to try out. Everyone can create an amazing garden and get pleasure from taking care of it. Other videos you might like: How Deep Can You Possibly Dig? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zU_CiB2GnQ& If You Open a Watermelon and See This, Throw It Out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZVTxokbrg& If You Ever See This Tree, Run Fast And Yell For Help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaRY8W6yl0g& TIMESTAMPS: Raised garden beds 0:22 Staircase garden 0:51 Floating greens 1:17 Mulching 1:37 Climbing plants 2:02 Wall farm 2:32 Irrigation system 2:49 DIY drip irrigation system made from plastic bottles 3:24 Fence 3:58 Flower décor 4:21 Cobblestone walkway 4:40 Stone art 5:18 Beds for the lazy gardener 5:39 Broken flower pot decoration 6:18 DIY bird feeder 6:55 #garden #gardenideas #gardening Music by Epidemic Sound http://bit.ly/1NOjjY3 SUMMARY: - There are many different designs of garden beds you could try out and they’re quite easy to put together: build boxes in any shape you like using wooden slabs, put some cardboard and metal mesh at the bottom and fill it up with soil. - Another great way to save space in your garden is by suspending flower pots over perhaps another garden patch, or wherever you have a spot free. - Mulching is covering the surface of your soil with mulch mats that block out sunrays. It might not be the best idea for decorating but it sure makes cleaning up a lot faster as it keeps weeds from growing. - By securing layers of rectangular flower pots to a wall you can create a vertical garden that is not only a space saver but also protect the wall from sun damage. - Installing an irrigation system will help to ensure your new vegetable patch or flower beds gets all the care it needs with a little less backbreaking effort from your side. - If the hoses and pipes seem a bit daunting you could always try recycling old plastic bottles and make your own drip irrigation. - Using strong metal you can create a sort of cage and fill it up with stones or other durable materials to create these decorative walls or fences in your garden. - Flowers help to make your garden look bright, they smell great and can also help keep those pesky pests away from your precious vegetable patch. - Think about aluminum cans or old boots for flower pots or even kegs for bigger ones. And then there are also plastic crates you can use to start your vegetable patch. - Yet another way to recycle while sprucing up your garden is by using old broken flower pots in a whole new way. You could try creating your own ‘mini gardens’ like these. Add smaller pots and create layers that you fill up with small flowers or succulents. - Now that you have your pretty garden all set to go, you can add some sounds to smells and colors with a makeshift bird feeder. Old flower pots can be used once again to help decorate the garden and feed your flying companions. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: http://bit.ly/1NR4JJP Instagram: http://bit.ly/2pDikkf 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: http://bit.ly/2pNb6gr Photos: http://bit.ly/23rGg9b East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://bit.ly/2d8ayZz
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