Ezoic Ads Tutorial | High-Earning Setup Guide (for Beginners)

Ezoic Ads Tutorial | High-Earning Setup Guide (for Beginners)

Ezoic ads are really great for bloggers but you need to know how to set them up properly in order to maximize your profit. In this video, I show you exactly how I setup Ezoic ads on my four websites with Ezoic ads. You need to follow a guide like this to maximize your earnings or you need to let your key account or salesperson at Ezoic do it for you. After all, they have a ton of experience and they can guide you. Don't be afraid to let them know if you want an ad placement or advertiser removed from your site or if you are unhappy with the way the ads are displayed or placed. There's a ton of settings to tweak and you can quickly get overwhelmed with the many cool features. Check out this guide to get started properly with ad optimization on the Ezoic platform! Check out the tools I use: https://ift.tt/34Po8N0 Join my email list (to know when my course comes out: https://ift.tt/2VBSnmm

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