Joining Apple, Google – Technology to track Corona patient track history!

Joining Apple, Google – Technology to track Corona patient track history!

Coronavirus is spreading worldwide. All the nations of the world are disabled. The governments of the world are isolating and treating people affected by the corona. But the biggest challenge is finding people with whom they are related. There are also announcements to periodically find contacts. 

To simplify this, tech giants Apple and Google have teamed up to develop a contact tracing technology. This processor provides information about corona vulnerabilities to nearby people through Bluetooth communication. This will prompt a person to get in touch with a corona-affected person. However, Corona does not disclose information about who the affected person was and where the contact occurred. Also, these companies are not aware of this.

Technology to track Corona patient track history! - Joining Apple, Google
Tech Giants Apple & Google Joining
The companies will be launching the technology to help track trails on both Android and iOS platforms in mid-May. It is to be operated by the Public Health Officers Processor without disclosing information. There is also a need for public health processors to provide the necessary framework to manage the performance of this technology. A person infected with coronavirus must record that information in the public domain.

This will provide information to people who have been in close contact with them for some time. This information can usually be given to people who have been in contact until two weeks ago. Public health centers can customize it. Then, the people involved will be told to isolate themselves. That way we can control the corona’s impact more heavily.

Technology To Track Corona Patient History

A few months later, the companies will bring it to their operating system to improve the technology. There is no need to download this technology to detect contact traces. More people will start using it. It is noteworthy that over three billion people worldwide use Android and IOS as their platform. Both companies can completely shut down this technology at any time.

Technology to track Corona patient track history! - Joining Apple, Google
Technology to track Corona patient track history
It is certainly commendable that two great companies competing face-to-face in the tech world work together in this extraordinary environment. Earlier in March, Google created a website with information about Corona. In addition, Google’s parent company Alphabet inc runs a Corona virus testing center in California. Apple, for its part, has given 20 million masks to health workers. It has also designed special facial shields. It is reassuring that all sides are working together in this war against Corona.

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