High Paid CPC Keywords on Adsense 2018 | Highest Paid CPC Keywords

High Paid CPC Keywords on Adsense 2018 | Highest Paid CPC Keywords

High CPC Keywords on Adsense 2018 | Increase Your Adsense CPC Pay

High CPC Keywords on Adsense 2018

I broke down this post by:
  • Top paying Adsense keyword industries
  • Types of ads that pay the most
  • Exact long-tail keywords that have insane CPCs
  • 3 4 Bonuses to make even more money with Adsense

Here are the top 10 highest paid Adsense keywords for 2018 (by industry):

  1. Insurance $57 CPC
  2. Gas/Electricity $54 CPC
  3. Mortgage $47 CPC
  4. Attorney $47 CPC
  5. Loans $44 CPC
  6. Lawyer $42 CPC
  7. Donate $42 CPC
  8. Conference Call $42 CPC
  9. Degree $40 CPC
  10. Credit $38 CPC
↓ keep reading to find the exact keyword phrases that you should target ↓

Why do these Adsense keywords pay so much?

Because the companies behind the ads have a high customer value and can afford to spend a few hundred bucks to acquire a customer. It all boils down to their business economics.

Which Adsense ads pay the most?

In addition to picking the best niche for adsense, you also have options as to which ad type to show. 
The options are: 
1) text & display
2) matched content 
3) in-feed and 
4) in-article.
In my own experiments, I’ve found higher click through rates with native in-article ads. Those ads perform the best on any of my sites.
Highest CPC Keywords on Adsense 2018 > Increase Your Adsense CPC Pay
The in-article ads will naturally blend with your content and display midway through your blog post. I like these types of ads because they are contextual and usually receive a good amount of clicks.
Sidebar ads are not as good since we are already trained to tune them out.  

Pro tip: Use Auto Ads by Google

Adsense Auto Ads take advantage of machine learning and place themselves automatically on your site where Google thinks they will perform well.
Google has been testing the Auto Ads feature as a beta since September of 2017 and recently (early March) released this feature to everyone.
Since Google has millions (if not billions) of sites to test, they will most likely be better than you or me when figuring out the right type and placement of the ads.
The only downside of this is that you won’t have much control of how many ads are shown or where they are placed, which if you are picky, might annoy you.
To set up Auto ads on your site, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click My ads.
  3. Click Auto ads.
  4. On the “Choose your global settings” page, use the controls to select the ad formats that you’d like to show.
  5. Leave Automatically get new formats selected if you want AdSense to automatically add new ad formats to your global settings as they become available.
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the “Place code on your page” page, click Copy code.
  8. Paste the ad code between the <head> and </head> tags of each page where you want to show Auto ads. If you’re not sure how to do this, see Google’s Code implementation guide.

Bonus Keyword Industries/Niches

Here are other high paying keywords that you can target in your blog posts
  1. Treatment $37 CPC
  2. Software $35 CPC
  3. Classes $35 CPC
  4. Recovery $34 CPC
  5. Trading $33 CPC
  6. Rehab $33 CPC
  7. Hosting $31 CPC
  8. Transfer $29 CPC
  9. Cord Blood $27 CPC
  10. Claim $25 CPC
↓ Don’t forget about the bonuses at the end where I show you how to find the best kws ↓
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Highest CPC Keywords on Adsense 2018, High CPC Keywords on Adsense, Adsense High CPC Keywords 2018, High CPC Keywords 2018

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