How to Add A YouTube Subscribe Channel Gadget To Your Blog

Hello my friend, now i'm going to teach you How to add a YouTube Subscribe Channel Gadget To Your Blog...Follow the step

Step 1. In Your Blogger Dashboard Click > Design > Add A Gadget > Choose Html/Javascript :

Step 2. Copy and Paste the following code into the Html/Javascript Gadget :

<center><!--YouTube Subscribe Gadget><iframe src= style="overflow: hidden; height: 130px; width: 260px; border: 0;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe></center>

A- Replace YOUR-YOUTUBE-USERNAME with your YouTube Username.Your YouTube username is displayed in the top right of the page when your logged into YouTube beside the sign out link.It will have no spaces, for example mine is spiceupyourblog as one word.

B- The height and Width are in blue and can be changed to suit your blog.

Step 3. Save the gadget and you can then drag and drop it into position on your blogs design page.

That's your YouTube Subscribe to channel widget, make sure to subscribe to the Welltricks YouTube Channel for the latest Video Tutorials.

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