Hey guys! Wanna tone up your body? There's a universal exercise that trains your overall body, including chest, shoulders, arms, abs, glutes, and legs. In short, it engages every muscle in your body and is also great for strength-building. It's burpees! If your purpose is burning fat, burpees are exactly what you need. Are you ready to start? That's great! But first, check out this really cool burpee experiment! Other videos you might like: 10-Minute Workout to Sculpt Your Body in 2 Weeks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DNioliqOug& 15 Yoga Poses That'll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt1bsoOukjI& What Will Happen If You Start Eating Oats Every Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJLXIdvs40& TIMESTAMPS: How to do burpees correctly 0:31 Day 1: I feel exhausted 1:40 Day 2: Why does my body hurt? 2:05 Day 3: I still feel like a sack of potatoes 2:30 Day 5: My abs are killing me 3:14 Day 7: I'm definitely getting better! 3:33 Day 10: Something wonderful happened 4:26 Day 14: I'm falling in love with my workout 4:45 Day 20: 6 minutes and 13 seconds! 5:07 Day 30: Time to sum up my experience 5:35 #burpees #homeworkout #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound https://ift.tt/1NOjjY3 SUMMARY: - There are lots of different kinds of burpees: with a plank and without, with a full push up, and even with a pull up at the end. - Day 1: I'm probably not telling you anything new, but 50 burpees at once for an untrained person is daunting. I feel exhausted, I just want to go lie down and be left alone. Do I really have to endure this, for 30 days? - Day 2: Why does my body hurt? I can feel some muscles I didn't know I had! I'm not sure I'll be able to move in this state at all, not to mention doing burpees! - Day 3: By Day 3 I've understood one very important thing, and that's Do not procrastinate! That's why on Day 3 I promise myself that I'll start to do burpees the very second my smartphone reminds me about them. - Day 5: Since I started the challenge, my arms have been sore like never before. And I don't even do any push-ups at the bottom of every burpee! - Day 7: I'm definitely getting better! These days, I don't have to spend hours sweet-talking myself into doing my daily portion of burpees. - Day 10: A wonderful thing happened to me today! My bus was about to leave, and I had to run to catch it. Are you saying there's nothing new about this story? But how about that I didn't even lose my breath after several minutes of pretty strenuous activity? - Day 14: Slowly but surely, I'm falling in love with my daily burpee workout. Some pretty rebellious thoughts are starting to pop up in my head - what if I keep going even after the 30-day challenge is over? - Day 20: Today I had to encourage my friend who got inspired by my results and was thinking about taking up the same challenge. - Day 30: First and foremost, I was shocked to find out that this challenge was more difficult for my mind than for my body! I spent tons of time procrastinating, dreading the strain, or beating myself up for not being able to just go and do it. - I've lost 6.5 pounds (3 kg)! And that's without me cutting down on food or anything! - Now my stomach looks much more toned than before, and if you squint really hard, you can even see a six-pack! - My arms and legs look much more defined than they used to! I've started to wear tank tops, and as soon as it's warm enough, you'll definitely see me in shorts. - My endurance is so much better these days. Before, I hated running since I was short of breath 3 minutes after I set off! But after my friend talked me into a run in the park the other day, I realized how much better I've become! - All in all, this challenge has helped me to figure out two things: I'm stronger than I used to think. And I'm not going to give up burpees anytime soon. Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://ift.tt/1NR4JJP Instagram: https://ift.tt/2pDikkf 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://ift.tt/2pNb6gr Stock materials (photos, footages and other): https://ift.tt/23rGg9b https://ift.tt/1eYTOMy https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: https://ift.tt/2d8ayZz
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