Life in Medieval Castles Was a Challenge Not a Dream

Many of us have somehow romanticized life in castles with all the feasts, beautiful outfits, lords, and ladies. But medieval life was as far from the glamorous picture in your head as possible! Narrow passageways, smoky fires, gloomy and dark rooms - that's what would have greeted you upon setting foot in a castle in medieval times. And that’s just the good part... Other videos you might like: 19 Signs You’d Be Called a Witch in the Middle Ages 10 Dangerous Things That Used to Be Normal in the Past 14 Strict Rules Princesses Are Forced to Follow TIMESTAMPS: Castles were ice cold inside 0:55 There was no privacy in castles 1:44 ... and in castle toilets, either 2:22 Castles smelled really, really bad 3:15 Rats were everywhere 4:12 How lords and ladies lived 5:08 Why they rarely washed 5:50 Feasts were numerous and frequent 6:29 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - You probably know that stone doesn't really heat up, even on a hot summer day. Besides, for better safety, castle windows were small and narrow and didn't let in much sun. Sum up these facts, and you'll get a huge stone box with freezing cold dark rooms inside. - Although castles looked inaccessible from the outside, they were literally one large and mostly open space inside. People had to spend days and nights in the company of other people. - A medieval toilet was actually just a long wooden bench with numerous holes for numerous... well, I think you get it. No walls, no partitions. - Most people didn't care about hygiene and couldn't even afford to take a bath every now and then. A bathtub and fresh water were something that only high classes could afford. - If you were a castle inhabitant, rats were your constant companions. It may seem like people would have gotten used to these pests and ignored them for the most part, but no. - A medieval castle woke up at sunrise, since sunshine was pretty much the only source of light in that time, and those who worked outside tried to use it to the fullest. - Lords and ladies could sleep in if they wanted. If not, they would wake up at dawn, hear Mass, and have white bread and wine for breakfast. - Feasts were numerous and frequent. They took place in big halls, and everyone had to sit according to their status. Guest’s food options also depended on how important a person was. - The floor was covered with herbs and reeds which later absorbed the grease and liquids. After feasts, servants swept it all up and replaced it with new rushes. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:

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