Make More Money on YouTube | Complete Guide

Making money on YouTube is not easy. It can take many years to build your followers and monetize the content you create, but there are some key steps you can take so that your channel can make money today. In this post you will learn "How to Make More Money on YouTube"


We took the time to break it down so that you can find out how to make money on YouTube and gain a deeper understanding of YouTube video monetization.

Below the things you need to know about YouTube monetization

  • YouTube Monetization Basics
    1. How to Monetize Your Channel
    2. Identify Your Viewers
    3. Avoid the Yellow Dollar Sign

  • Multiple Revenue Streams
    1. Paid endorsements
    2. Famebit
    3. Crowdfunding
    4. Patreon
    5. Sponsorship
    6. Selling video rights

How to monetize a YouTube channel

YouTube offers the opportunity to monetize your videos. To be successful, you have to tap into many different earnings because relying on ads is so far only available to you.

You must first create an engaging audience, which means you should have less videos every two weeks, and you need people to comment, like, subscribe and share about your content.

YouTube has a program for those who go through this process, and this program is called the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). Some countries are allowed to monetize their YouTube channel due to international laws, and that list is provided here. After that, there are some steps you need to go through.

The highest-paid YouTubers of 2019

  1. Ryan Kaji – $26 million
  2. Dude Perfect – $20 million
  3. Anastasia Radzinskaya – $18 million
  4. Rhett and Link – $17.5 million
  5. Jeffree Star – $17 million
  6. Preston – $14 million
  7. PewDiePie tied with Markiplier – $13 million
  8. DanTDM – $12 million
  9. VanossGaming – $11.5 million


  • You must first read and agree to the YouTube Partner Program Terms.
  • Once you’ve done this, you need to sign in to YouTube, find the tab for YouTube Studio, and then select “Monetize”.
  • Follow the steps to unlock YouTube’s Partner Program Terms.


  • Next, you will want to sign up for AdSense.
  • AdSense is a way for Google (which owns YouTube) to help you grow their business and sell advertising space.
  • Technically, YouTube does not pay you directly. You are paid by Google Adsense. What happens is that Adsense collects your feedback and then puts the funds directly to you on the 21st of each month.
  • This is a big part of the whole idea, because you need to make sure that your videos are corporate friendly or very popular, that they are undeniable as a source of exposure for brands.
  • If you already have an AdSense account, you can link it to your channel, but you will need to create a new account otherwise.
  • You can only link one AdSense account to your channel, so your channel will be denied if you have multiple.
  • Click here to open AdSense.


  • Now you need to determine the settings for your ads and monetization.
  • Be sure to select the type of ads you want to run before your videos and set it so that your existing and future videos will be monetized.
  • You can always go back and change the settings later.


YouTube will now review your channel to make sure it meets their program limit, mainly based on channel activity, and then check that your channel does not violate any rules.

You must have the following to get to this point:

  • 1,000 subscribers.
  • 4,000 tracking time in the previous 12 months
  • You also need to understand the general copyright guidelines, as they can affect how you make money on YouTube.

Identify Your Viewers

YouTube Demographics

One of the first things you should do is find out who is watching your videos. This will give you an idea of who you should continue to make videos for so you can build a viewer base.

You may have a bunch of teens watching your videos because you’re a video game critic, and you might not benefit from trying to chase people in their twenties if they don’t enjoy your videos.

Your viewer demographic can be seen here.

Avoid YouTube’s Yellow Dollar Sign

  • The yellow dollar sign is the way YouTube lets advertisers know that their video content may not be suitable for all audiences.
  • Think of it as being labeled an R-rated movie.
  • It may sound great, but it limits the viability of your channel for ads.
  • But how does YouTube determine this?


YouTube knows that content that is made to scare or amaze their senses can get a lot of views, but it will also make many viewers angry or pissed off at the experience they just had.

It may sound silly, but for an advertiser, it’s pretty straightforward. I don’t want my Tide detergent ad to be immediately followed by a Halloween video.


Parents do not want their children to listen to profane videos, and because of this, their video will be flagged. Maybe it doesn’t, use your best judgment.


This is where you put a picture of Justin Bieber in your video on how to grow better carrots in your garden. You may get some arbitrary clicks, but YouTube will flag you for it.


First Amendment usually allows you to say what you want, but this does not entitle you to advertising dollars. YouTube restricts their content a bit, but often, they do not stop your comments. They don’t have to be rewarded either.

YouTube salary for video creators

The average salary ranges from $1.50 to $ 3 per 1000 views. Yes, not the YouTube salary you thought, but come to the real world. YouTube pay rate is very low.

But look at the numbers on YouTube for a look YouTube fees per view.0015 to .003 cents.

Google Adsense will not cost you less than a check for less than $ 100, so be sure to get those shots. This may take time. Keep posting videos, and your YouTube pay rate will rise steadily. To make about $ 100, you need to get 50,000 views.

This is not the best youtube pay rate. When you consider YouTube, 99% of all users who make money with ads make only about $ 100 in their first year. But the best YouTube earners not only make money with their videos, they also reach other revenue streams.

Multiple YouTube revenue streams

Monetizing video with only ad revenue is too daunting a task. You’re going to have to think outside the box about other ways to make your YouTube career worthwhile.

It can take a long time to acquire the number of active users and commentators it takes to make money from ads.

That can be frustrating, especially when you only enter a limited number of YouTube payments. But there are other ways to earn money and make your brand known to the world. As paid endorsements.

  • Paid endorsements
  • Famebit
  • Crowdfunding
  • Patreon
  • YouTube Sponsorship
  • Sell video rights

This is how to make money on YouTube. Now that you know how to monetize your videos, it’s time to start creating. It seems important if you want to monetize YouTube videos. Adding followers will help attract advertisers, sponsors, and product placement in no time.

TechieIn can’t wait to see where it takes you.

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